I Had Period Sex Wearing Two Different Menstrual Cups

Have you ever found yourself in a sticky situation? Well, imagine a double cup dilemma. It's a real head-scratcher, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. If you're intrigued by unconventional pleasures, you might want to explore the thrilling world of pleasurable discipline. Who knows, you might discover a whole new side of yourself.

As someone who is no stranger to period sex, I'm always on the lookout for ways to make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for both myself and my partner. That's why I decided to try having period sex while wearing two different menstrual cups. I wanted to see how the experience would compare to using just one cup or not using any menstrual protection at all. Here's what I learned from my little experiment.

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Choosing the Right Menstrual Cups

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Before I could even think about having period sex with two menstrual cups, I had to make sure I had the right cups for the job. I chose two different cups with different shapes and sizes to see how they would perform during sex. One was a smaller, softer cup that I typically use on lighter days, and the other was a larger, firmer cup that I use on heavier days. I wanted to see if the smaller cup would be more comfortable during sex, while the larger cup would provide better protection against leaks.

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Inserting the Cups

Inserting two cups at once was definitely a bit trickier than inserting just one. I had to be mindful of the positioning of each cup to ensure they both felt comfortable and were properly in place. It took a little bit of trial and error, but I eventually got both cups inserted without any issues.

Comfort and Sensation

Once the cups were in place, I was curious to see how they would feel during sex. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the smaller cup was indeed more comfortable during penetration than the larger cup. It didn't feel as intrusive or cumbersome, and I hardly noticed it was there. The larger cup, on the other hand, was a bit more noticeable, but it still didn't cause any discomfort or pain.

As for my partner, they didn't notice the cups at all. They were just as focused on the moment as they would have been if I weren't wearing any menstrual protection. The cups didn't impede our intimacy in any way, which was a huge relief.

Leak Protection

One of my biggest concerns about having period sex with two menstrual cups was the potential for leaks. I was worried that having two cups in place might compromise their ability to catch menstrual flow and prevent leaks. To my surprise, I didn't experience any leaks at all. Both cups did their job perfectly, and I was able to enjoy sex without any worry about making a mess.


After sex, removing and cleaning the cups was a bit more involved than usual, but it wasn't a big deal. I simply removed one cup at a time, emptied and rinsed them, and reinserted them. It took a few extra minutes, but it wasn't a hassle by any means.

Final Thoughts

Having period sex while wearing two different menstrual cups was a surprisingly positive experience. The smaller cup was more comfortable during sex, and both cups provided excellent leak protection. I would definitely consider using this method again in the future, especially on heavier flow days when I want extra protection. It's a great way to stay comfortable and confident during period sex, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a similar solution.